The French Theatre Calendar, this website, is designed to be browsed interactively with the possibility of multi-search criteria analysis or single/keyword text search. There is a dedicated mutiple-search-analysis page designed to allow users to search the database using any combination of the following variables: 

Play Title, Playwright/ Composer, Revolutionary Date, Gregorian Date, First Premiere Date, Genre, Theatre, Notes from the pressand Periodical information.)..

Figure 1 shows an abstract data model for the website. The abstract data model is made up of six key components consisting of PLAY, GENRE, PLAYWRIGHT/COMPOSER, REVIEW, PERFORMANCE, and THEATRE. Each record, or item, in the database may contain all variables or less depending on whether that variable has a value for the item. Further definition of all the variables is presented in the REVE Project Ontology which was used in combination with existing Dublin core vocabularies (the following combination of vocabulary terms were used for mapping the variables: “dcterms:title, reve:subtitle, reve:author, reve:genre, reve:theatre, reve:revolutionaryDate, dcterms:date, reve:cluster, reve:FirstPremiereDate, reve:notes, bibo:uri)”.

Figure 1: Abstract data model used for implementation

Figure 1: Abstract data model used for implementation (v1.3)

An overview of how the web pages is structured and implemented is presented in Figure 2. There are several web pages that are directly accessible at the homepage: Multiple Search Analysis, Download Data and Articles, unique plays, unique playwrights/ composers, unique Genres, unique Theatres, unique Revolutionary date, and others such as links the footer of each page. The “private” webpages are accessible only to the administrators.

Figure 2: Site Map Prototype: v1.2 (development)

Figure 2: Site Map Prototype (v1.3)